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Quotes from "Life Interrupted"

I am currently reading the new book by Priscilla Shirer called Life Interrupted. I was reading today and there were a few paragraphs almost right in a row that were like "Bam in your face!" So I thought I might share them with you. All of them were located in the chapter about grace.

After using an example of someone shaking your arm while you are holding a glass of water and the water spilling out, here is what she had to say: 

"The main reason water comes out of your glass is because water is in the glass. It's the same reason we so often react to life interruptions with anger, rage, bitterness, panic, distrust, uncertainty, fear, touchiness, and a hundred other toxic contaminants. These things don't spill out merely because we're under a heavy stress load. We're not being forced by external pressures to operate out of character, not to be ourselves. Problems and tight spots are not what make us act in such shocking ways- complaining more than usual, arguing more than usual. turning into a person we hardly recognize.
No, all these wicked things are already inside us- hiding out, undetected, lying dormant until a sufficient level of shaking is able to jar them loose. Interruptions don't create them; they just expose them." page 96-97

"See, we think we get mad because a parent, a sibling, a spouse, a child, or a slow driver camped in the passing lane is causing us to act this way. The truth is, these irritations and interruptions are merely the catalyst that unclogs those stubborn nests of self-centeredness that have burrowed down deep within us." page 97

"We think the reason we melt into a quivering puddle of worry is because we have so much to carry, so many decisions to make, so many risks to manage, so many people to care for, so many plates to juggle, so many disappointments to get over. But frankly, these multiple responsibilities and challenges are simply agents that help us see we're still inclined to choose fretting over faith (emphasis added), no matter how much we say our trust is in the Lord." page 97

"This is not God's way to condemn us but only to change us. Laying bare our sins, secret fears, self-sufficiency, and insecurities is not an attempt to hurt us but only to help us." page 98

All quotes are taken from Priscilla Shirer's Life Interrupted.

These are just some things that really spoke to me as I was reading today. With some of the things that have been going on in my life as of late, much of this seems to apply. 

I love how God will put the right book that I need to be reading in my life at exactly the right time. 

The book is about navigating life's unexpected events. She talks about Jonah and related his story to how we can handle life when God throws something surprising in it.

Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed. :)

In God, Emily


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