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Showing posts from April, 2011

My thoughts on Words from the Cross

The last two weeks in youth, we have been talking about the seven things that Jesus spoke from the Cross. One that really spoke to me was when Jesus said, "I am thirsty," in John 19:28. Nathan told us how this shows that Jesus is human again. He also fulfilled the prophesies. (Psalm 22:15, 69:21) Here are some of my thoughts on the subject. Jesus is the Living Water that was poured out for us.  Psalm 22:14 says, "I am poured out like water..." This foretells the pouring out of Jesus. Just thought I'd share some of my thoughts. More to come soon I hope. Thanks for reading. In God, Emily

24 School Days

That's all I have left in high school. Just 24 short days. This next month is going to fly. And I'm not so sure how I feel about that.  I hope these last couple of weeks will be something that I am able to cherish for the rest of my life. But after that is kinda scary.  I know God has a plan for my life, I just don't know every detail of that plan. And since I am a bit a of a control freak, that makes me a bit nervous.  I am very excited, though for whoever He brings into my life and whatever may happen. So I have some mixed feelings about all of this.  I will say that one good thing about college is that you do not have to have an 8:00 class if you do not want one. And that will be very nice.  Well that's it for now. Thanks for reading. In God, Emily