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Time Fillers

Each moment that we have been given on this earth should be used for our purposes in life, that is, to bring glory to God.

The last two nights, I have found myself with enough free time to actually get some projects done. These things have been on my to do list for weeks, but I have yet to make time for them. Instead, I find myself using time fillers.

These things include checking social media sites over and over, going back and forth between Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. Also, the tv is a huge time filler. All of these things, in conjunction with my mood and lack of motivation have led me to waste the last two nights doing nothing.

This is a problem for me. One, because I have many other things that I need to and should be doing. Two, I do not need to waste the time God has blessed me with on this earth.

I am not saying that social media is bad. It all has its place.  But I just want to be aware of how I am spending the time that God has given me. I realize there needs to be a change. And I am going to try to make that change.

Maybe by bringing attention to the issue, I will better be able to stand against it.

Also, be careful to limit your (and my) use of time fillers. Breaks are not bad, but they can get extensive  when they roll one right into the other.

Thanks for reading.

In God, Emily


  1. A lovely reminder! I can definitely relate. The computer tends to take up far too much of my time. These things take discipline, and the older you get the harder it becomes.

    Thanks for sharing!



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