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Things I learned in College

So I had this idea after spending breakfast with three lovely ladies. I want to record the things that I have learned and am learning in college. What better place to do that than here?

The things that I might post on here are probably not what you would expect someone to learn in college, but these are things that I want to be able to look back on and remember.

Many of these things might be funny or sad or terrifying. But these are things that I want to share.

So here goes…

1. Paddles float, shovels do not.
           And here's the story there: At breakfast, my friend was telling me about a time when her friends                  took her canoeing. The canoe flipped. The catch is that these friends had lost their paddles. So they were using shovels to paddle the canoe. When the canoe flipped, the shovels sank. So, hence, the   lesson… Shovels sink, paddles float. They had to paddle back across the river with their arms.

2. Procrastination sometimes helps. Sometimes.
           This is something that I have learned over the three and a half years I have been taking college classes. While this is not always the best advice, sometimes procrastination helps to motivate you. I have done some of my best work the night before it was due. This also helps you to not stress over assignments that you complete way ahead of time. If you finish an assignment too long before the due date, you have time to worry about it before turning it in.

These are the lessons I have for now. Hopefully I will have more later. Hope you've enjoyed it!

Thanks for reading.

In God, Emily


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