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Showing posts from September, 2012

Story Behind the Song: Even If

So as I was listening to this song on youtube, I came across the story behind it. I thought I would share, so here it is: Here is a link to the song he is talking about in the video that I posted a few days ago:  Even If -Kutless Thanks for reading. I hope to get back to really blogging about what God is doing in my life after things calm down a little bit, but for now, songs will have to suffice. In God, Emily

Your Love Never Fails

Music is such a great type of worship! I love how God can speak to us through it and we can turn around and praise Him back. :) Thanks for listening! In God, Emily

Even If

I absolutely LOVE this song! The words speak such truth... Let God speak to your heart! Thanks for listening! In God, Emily

Heart to Heart

Today, at my college, there was a chapel convo for us to attend. It was not mandatory, but we do have to go to five per semester. I was not planning on going, but I had a friend invite me to go with her at the last minute. I figured, "Well, I might as well. At least I will have someone to sit with." I had no idea that God was planning on using the speaker to speak to me about a situation that I am dealing with right now. The speaker talked about how we need to give back to God the "stuff" in our lives, to dedicate what God has given to us back to Him. I have been struggling with a decision the last couple of days and I realized that I cannot control the outcome on my own. I also realized that I had not given my heart completely to God before that moment. I was expecting God to show me what to do in the situation when I had yet to surrender fully to Him. I realize now that God will lead me and guide me to the right man some day, but first I had to give ...