This is an essay that I wrote tonight for my Christian Faith class. I just wanted to share it will all of you guys.
There are many other costs to following Jesus Christ than just the ones that Mr. McLaren talked about in this chapter. In Philippians 3:7-8, the bible says, “But whatever gain I had, I counted as loss for the sake of Christ. Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ…” But no matter what the costs may be and no matter what the gains may be, as Christians we are supposed to count it all as loss.
The change that takes place in our lives the moment we ask Jesus into our hearts is breathtaking, amazing. It is only something that God can do. The changes that take place over the few weeks or months, maybe even years, after becoming a Christian, a “Christ-follower”, an imitator of Christ, are astounding. They are things that can only be accomplished by God. As the preacher talked about tonight in revival at my church, the instant he was saved the love of God and Jesus Christ entered his heart. The preacher did not have to tell him that he had to love God, that he had to change his life. It just happened.
There are many things that we have to give up when we become Christians, but they should be given up with joy. We should want to live our lives for Christ, not for Satan. Our lives should become so radically different than before that people notice; they may even ask us about it. And we should be able to gladly share with them what made the change because that is what God has called us to do. Giving up pride, judgmentalism, vices, imbalances, and apathy should be the least of our worries. While we need to make sure that these things are gone from our lives, we need to be even more focused on spreading the Gospel, the amazing Story of Salvation, that God has commanded us to spread. When He tells us to go in His Word, He means it.
There will be many other things that are given up, such as certain relationships, enjoyments that do not bring glory to God, and endless other possibilities. But the gains are even better than the absence of these sinful things in our lives. Humility, community, virtue, balance, passion, and generosity are just the beginning of the lists of things, qualities, relationships we gain when we trust Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. Personally, I have probably experienced all of these gains, along with all of the losses. As Mr. McLaren points out, they do seem to go hand-in-hand.
Community has been one of the biggest gains for me. The two churches that I call home are amazing blessings from God, where I can hear His Word preached and grow in Him. I can grow, and cry, and love, and hurt in both of them. The friendships and blessings that God has placed in my life through these two church families or communities is mind-blowing to me. There has been one gain that has meant even more to me, has touched my life deeper than these communities.
That is the relationship that I gained with Christ that December day that I trusted Jesus. This relationship has and always will mean more to me than any earthly relationship ever will. When other people fail me, I know God never will. I know that I can talk to Him 24/7. I could talk His ear off and He would love it. The fellowship that I am able to share with God has changed my life more than any other part. God had always been working in my life before that day. Now my eyes are open to the work that He is doing (sometimes).
There are no circumstances that could separate me from my relationship with God. My faith journey started over three years ago, and I am still learning every day. God is changing me every day into the woman that He has for me to be. I know that I fail Him daily, but He continues to forgive, time after time. I can only thank Him for the wonderful chances and blessings He has given to me, when I know that I do not deserve it.
Thank you for reading all of this. I hope God spoke to you through it.
In God, Emily
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