Sabbath. The day of rest. God set the precedent on the seventh day of creation.
The english word comes from the Hebrew shabbat meaning "to cease" or "desist".
The Sabbath is mentioned many times in the old testament. It is the fourth of the ten commandments.
Exodus gives rules for following the Sabbath in Chapter 35. Verses 2 says,
"Six days work shall be done, but on the seventh day you shall have a Sabbath of solemn rest, holy to the LORD. Whoever does any work on it shall be put to death."
It says that anyone who works on the Sabbath day shall be put to death.
Think about it... how many days of rest (most commonly Sundays) do you spend working? How often do you take a day of rest?
Once again, I am just as guilty of this as everyone else. I put off til Sunday homework or something else that has to get done before Monday when it would be just as easy to do it on Saturday.
When Jesus died on the cross for my sins and yours, he fulfilled the law. Before he came, the penalty for work on Sunday was death. Now that Jesus has paid the price for our sins, we still must follow what God tells us.
In the new testament, Christians would meet in the synagogues to proclaim Jesus. It became a symbol of the heavenly rest to come.
I don't know that I am getting my point across. The Sabbath day is so important to God, and we just blow it off. We work straight through and don't even think that we are hurting God as we do it. We don't think about how we need to improve on it, and ask forgiveness when we fail.
Just something to think about.
In God, Emily
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