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Showing posts from 2018

Stars in the Sky

This post came together from a lesson I taught this past week at our women's night at church.  God really used this to speak to me, and I pray that He does the same for you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Have you guys ever noticed that the world rushes through things and rarely gives you the whole picture?  I think this is very evident in our news these days.  They shout out catchy headlines but rarely back them up with complete (and true) stories.  Most of what we see are really just that, stories.  Stories that have been filled with fluff. Listen to what God said to Isaiah in chapter 46:8-13 (ESV):  “Remember this and stand firm,      recall it to mind,   you transgressors, 9       remember the former things of old; for I am God, and there is no other;      I am God, and ther...

Matt and Emily Sitting in a Tree...

Hey guys!  I know it has been a long while (over a year) since I posted.  God gave me this idea for the blog post weeks ago.  This is me procrastinating to get it done. So we all remember the childhood song.   Matt and Emily sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g.  First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes the baby in the baby carriage. Yeah, that one.  You remember.  It was so embarrassing to have your  name in the song as everyone else was singing it, right? For ten year-old girls, this is how they think life works. Love.  Marriage.  Baby carriage. One of my (almost) four year-old nieces told her mother tonight, "That's not how life works." Oh the truth of her statement.  She may have been talking about her mom buckling her carseat, but that truth holds for so many ideas that we have when we are young. We think, Oh, I'll get married.  We will spend a couple/few years together before we decide to have children....